A journey truthfully like no other. When you hear the words “molar pregnancy” automatically you google what it is and the first thing you see is cancer. Not only have you just been told you’ve lost your baby but now your whole world falls apart just that little bit more as you are now in total fear. At our 12 week scan we were told our baby no longer had a heartbeat, a few weeks later I had a call to tell me it was a partial molar pregnancy. In that moment I was struck with fear and anxiety that my life was about to change. Thankfully I rang the nurses at Weston and asked for some advice and they sat and explained everything on the phone to me. I remember one of them saying “you will be fine either way no matter what journey we take to get you there”. Words I longed to hear in such a scary moment, blood tests came and went along with the two weekly samples to Weston, thankfully my levels had a good downtrend. I was then offered counselling through the service to help me understand what had happened. I can honestly say to anyone that is scared just do it. Sarah genuinely saved me from going to a very dark place, she validated me, she listened to me, she understood me. I think the last point is key as when you go through a molar no one truly understands what it’s like and often don’t understand how frightening it can be. Sarah understands, she cares and she is beyond patient. The amount of questions I have thrown her way on our calls to just help me understand why this has happened. Even upon discharge Sarah said to me “we don’t go away”. Knowing that I will always have this support in my life should I need it for the future is a huge relief. To anyone going through this that’s just read my story. You are not alone, it is terrifying but you will get through this, reach out use the service and get support. You will never be judged if you use this service and although it seems scary it’s the best thing I ever did.
(Written in 2024)