Whitham Rd, Sheffield S10 2SJ
0114 226 5205

So tell me more about the site then

This website is the first Molar Pregnancy Support site of its kind in the UK. The idea to build it came from a patient who received treatment at Weston Park Hospital, Sheffield. From the moment of diagnosis she found no relevant support networks for her condition.

The website is here to provide information and support to women who are currently, or have previously suffered from a molar pregnancy. The founder, talks about her feelings and fears and about how she is still coming to terms with her loss. By doing so; she hopes that you and other visitors to the site can relate to her and feel safer in the knowledge you are not alone.

We hope that with the help of various hospitals and treatment providers, will continue to be THE place of referral for sufferers of this often misunderstood condition.

Once registered on our forums, members will be able make contact with, post questions and also offer advice and support to those who need it most.

Funds for this website were initially provided by Charing Cross Hospital and received a further donation from The Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity. Since then the site has received support from Jean’s Research Trust. The website still requires funds in order to continue running and will therefore rely on donations. If you find this site helpful and wish to make a small donation, then please visit the donations page for more information on the various ways you can do this.

Many thanks

Counselling Service

So, where can I find this?

All three UK centres have a counsellor to support women and their families following a molar pregnancy. Contact information can be found on the respective websites.

What Is Molar Pregnancy?

What can I do to help?

The difference between this website and others you may have seen is the fact that we endeavour to be a ‘community’ website, rather than just pages and pages of factual information.

As a result there are a number of different ways you can help.

Share your story

Whether you are currently, or have previously suffered from a molar pregnancy, we need to know about it, and more importantly, so do other community members. Visitors to the site have instant access to all stories posted online and will subsequently be able to contact you through the forum pages.

Register on the forum

By registering for the forum you gain instant access to hundreds of other people in the same situation as you. This is where you will find women of all ages willing to share their own experiences, thoughts, fears and feelings and also answer any questions you might have.

Refer a friend

Do you know someone else who’s suffered from a molar pregnancy? If so then why not send them a link now via email ?

Link to us

If you’re a treatment centre, a member of the medical profession or healthcare organisation who would like to be added to our contacts page, then please Email us. Please note that a reciprocal link will of course be expected in return.


This website was set up to act as a long term Molar Pregnancy Support facility and therefore it is very important to keep it running as long as possible.

If you do wish to make a donation, you can do this in a number of different ways.

More Information

The Miscarriage Association

The Miscarriage Association offers support and information to individuals affected by pregnancy loss, including those diagnosed with a molar pregnancy.