Whitham Rd, Sheffield S10 2SJ
0114 226 5205


I found out that I had a complete mole after what I thought was a normal miscarriage at 10 weeks. I started on the low dosage of Chemotherapy with injections for six weeks, starting in August 2006 at Charing Cross Hospital. Unfortunately that...

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My name is Julie and I am 27 years old and from Sydney Australia.  I had a complete Molar Pregnancy with my first pregnancy in July 2005, my HCG’s at there highest were over a million. It took six months of chemotherapy for my HCG’S...

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I had a twin pregnancy, with a complete mole so lost a baby girl at 5 months. I have been on methotrexate and am now on Act-D as my hcG is not budging and has gone up 3 times. I had two lumbar punctures, the disease spread to mylungs as well so...

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I am really pleased to have found a website as good as this. I already have two children and was over the moon to find out I was pregnant again as I always wished for a larger family. I was devastated at my fourteen week scan when I was told that...

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After surgery in January to remove cysts on my ovaries and endometriosis, and having being given a thorough check I was told everything was now ok and we could start trying for a baby as soon as we liked. Two weeks of trying and we were happily...

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Wow, first of all what a great site, well done for setting it up and giving everyone such an honest account of your story. I just opened my blood testing kit ready for hospital tomorrow and the slip fell out telling me about this website...

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Hi there, Im so sorry to hear about your molar, and to read your message. I admire your strength on trying to create something positive from this for others, information is hard to come by. I had a molar pregnancy back in July 1999, seems an age...

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I’m so pleased this website has been setup. I’m 35 and have a two year old boy. I was diagnosed with a Partial Molar Pregnancy in January 2007 and was one of the 0.5% who need chemotherapyfollowing a partial mole. I had low risk chemo...

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I had my 1st partial molar pregnancy in June 2005. At 11weeks, I began bleeding very heavily and passing large pieces of tissue. I was admitted to hospital, a horrendous undignified experience. A month later, my consultant told me the diagnosis...

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I am really pleased to have found a website as good as this. I already have two children and was over the moon to find out I was pregnant again as I always wished for a larger family. I was devastated at my 14 week scan when I was told that my...

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My nightmare began on Friday 26th January 2007 when I went for my first scan. I was 15 weeks along and had been experiencing severe nausea from week 6 which developed into vomiting several times a day from week 10. I assumed this was normal and...

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October 2005 I had my erpc, we were devistated again but we thought it was all behind us and we had to pull ourselves together and carry on. In November I had a phone message asking me to go back to the hospital asap. We rushed over and the...

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