Whitham Rd, Sheffield S10 2SJ
0114 226 5205


A journey truthfully like no other. When you hear the words “molar pregnancy” automatically you google what it is and the first thing you see is cancer. Not only have you just been told you’ve lost your baby but now your whole world falls apart...

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Diane Thomas

In late July 2016 I discovered I was pregnant. My partner and I were delighted. A week after we found out, I started spotting. It was light and sporadic and varied in colour from brown to pink to copper. I started feeling very sickly, nauseous...

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It began October 16 at around 6wks pregnant. I woke up one morning to some red spotting I called my local surgery and booked an appointment they tested my urine  and found I had a uti i hoped that’s what had caused the spotting, they also...

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Emma Charnley

I fell pregnant in June 2015 with my first pregnancy, I had got married the previous year so this was the best thing that could of happened my fairy tale ending, we had to have a scan July 10th due to some issue, which resulted in being told we...

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Kayleigh Burton

I had always wanted to be a mother, so when we started trying in July 2010, I was full of (rather misplaced and naive!) excitement that it would happen quickly. It didn’t. As each month rolled by without success we felt increasingly...

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I’m 24, after what I thought was a normal miscarriage at ten weeks, I was very shocked when they told me I had had a molar pregnancy, I was given a D&C  in July 2006 and was told that everything was fine, so me and my partner went away on...

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In 2006 I was admitted into hospital with severe abdominal pain and irregular bleeding. After having a laparoscopy I was told nothing wrong, I was then sent for ultra sounds which revealed I had polycystic ovaries. After many follow up...

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I had been trying for a baby for eight months with no luck.  In January 2007 I started to have very sore breasts and after having a light period two weeks before, started to think could I be pregnant?  After several pregnancy tests and a visit to...

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I was diagnosed with a complete Molar Pregnancy in December 2004. Reading Meisha’s story brought back all the emotions of loss and frustration at having to wait to start a much longed for family. My sister was at exactly the same stage of...

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A.J Lefebvre

I had a complete Molar Pregnancy in January of 2005.  DH and I had to wait a year to start trying again.   However I am lucky as there was no return in any tissue.  It has since been another year with no luck of getting pregnant. Dh and I are...

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